What We Treat

    • Bell's Palsy
    • Dizziness
    • Facial Palsy
    • Headaches
    • Jaw Fractures
    • Jaw Pain
    • TMJ Dysfunction

    • Acute Nerve Root Pain
    • Apophyseal Wry Neck
    • Broken neck
    • Cervical Rib Syndrome
    • Cervical Ridiculopathy
    • Cervical Spondylolythesis
    • Cervical Spondylosis
    • Cervical Stenosis
    • Degenerative Neck Pain
    • Discogenic Wry Neck
    • Fractured Vertebrae
    • Herniated Disc
    • Neck Muscular Strain
    • Neck Pain
    • Neck Slipped Disc
    • Postural Kyphosis
    • Postural Neck Pain
    • Stiff Neck
    • Torticollis
    • Whiplash

    • Adhesive Capsulitis
    • AC Joint Injury
    • AC Joint Osteolysis
    • Calcific Tendinopathy of the Rotator Cuff
    • Dislocation of the Shoulder Joint
    • Fracture of the Clavicle
    • Fractured Humerus
    • Frozen Shoulder
    • Labral Tear
    • Levator Scapulae Syndrome
    • Muscle Imbalance

    • Fascioscapulohumeral Dystrophy
    • Parsonage-Turner Syndrome
    • Trapezius Muscle Palsy
    • Quadrilateral Space Syndrome
    • Suprascapular Nerve Palsy
    • Nerve Entrapments Around the Shoulder
    • Referred Pain
    • Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
    • Rotator Cuff Tear
    • Shoulder Impingement
    • Shoulder Instability
    • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
    • Winging Scapula

    • Biceps Muscle Tear
    • Biceps Tendinopathy
    • Fractured Shaft of Humerus
    • Referred Pain
    • Rupture of the Long Head of Biceps
    • Triceps Muscle Tear

    • Fractured Radial Head
    • Golfer's Elbow
    • Hyperextension Injury
    • Medial Collateral Ligament Sprain of the Elbow
    • Olecranon Bursitis
    • Posterior Dislocation of the Elbow Joint
    • Referred Pain
    • Tennis Elbow
    • Ulnar Nerve Compression at the Elbow

    • Entrapment of the Posterior Interosseous Nerve
    • Fracture of the Radius & Ulna
    • Referred Pain
    • Work Related Upper Limb Disorder

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    • De Quervain's Tenosynovitis
    • Fracture of the Distal Radius & Ulna
    • Fracture of the Scaphoid
    • Injury to the Distal Radial Epiphysis
    • Osteoarthritis of the Wrist
    • Scapholunate Dissociation
    • Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tear
    • Ulnar Nerve Compression at the Wrist
    • Wrist Fracture
    • Wrist Strain
    • Wrist Tendinopathy

    • Broken Finger
    • Crush Injury
    • Dislocated Finger
    • Duprytren's Contracture
    • Finger Sprain
    • Fractured Thumb
    • Fracture of the Hook of Hamate
    • Hyperextension Injury
    • Ligament Injuries in the Fingers
    • Metacarpal Fracture
    • Nerve Injury
    • Osteoarthritis of the Hand
    • Referred Pain
    • Skier's Thumb
    • Tendon Injury
    • Trigger Finger

    • Costovertebral Joint Disorders
    • Fractured Vertebrae
    • Herniated Disc
    • Muscular Spasm
    • Postural Kyphosis
    • Scheuermann's Disease
    • Slipped disc
    • T4 Syndrome
    • Thoracic Intervertebral Disc Prolapse
    • Thoracic Intervertebral Joint Disorders
    • Thoracic Oulet Syndrome
    • Thoracic Ridiculopathy
    • Thoracic Spondylosis

    • Acute Nerve Root Compression
    • Facet Joint Pain
    • Fractured Vertebrae
    • Iliolumbar Ligament Sprain
    • Low Back Pain
    • Lumbar Ridiculopathy
    • Lumbar Stenosis
    • Muscular Injury
    • Piriformis Syndrome
    • Postural Pain
    • Prolapsed Disc
    • Sacroiliac Joint Disorders
    • Scoliosis
    • Slipped Disc
    • Spondylolisthesis
    • Spondylosis
    • Whiplash

    • Coccydynia
    • Gluteus Strain
    • Hamstrings Origin Tendinitis
    • Ischiogluteal Bursitis
    • Piriformis Syndrome
    • Referred Pain

    • Costocondritis
    • Pectoralis Major Strain
    • Pectoralis Minor Injury
    • Referred Pain
    • Rib Trauma & Rib Fractures
    • Stress Fractures of the Ribs
    • Tietze Syndrome
    • Tight Pectorals

    • Abdominal Strain
    • Diastasis
    • Inguinal Hernia
    • Rectus Abdominus Tendinopathy

    • Fractured Pelvis
    • Pelvic Pain
    • Referred Pain
    • Sacroiliac Joint Disorder
    • Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

    • Fractured Hip
    • Hip Impingement
    • Hip Muscle Strain
    • Hip Pain
    • Labral / Acetabular Tear
    • Osteoarthiritis of the Hip
    • Referred Pain
    • Sciatica
    • Snapping Hip
    • Stress Fracture of the Neck of Femur
    • Trochanteric Bursitis

    • Adductor Tendinopathy
    • Gilmores Groin
    • Groin Strain
    • Hip Flexor Strain
    • Iliopsoas Bursitis
    • Obturator Nerve Entrapment
    • Osteoarthiritis of the Hip
    • Sportsman's Hernia
    • Stress Fracture of the Pubic Ramus

    • Avulsion Fracture of the Ischial Tuberosity
    • Dead Leg
    • Fractured Femur
    • Hamstring Origin Tendinopathy
    • Iliotibial Band Syndrome
    • Myositis Ossificans
    • Pulled Hamstring
    • Pulled Quadricep Muscle
    • Referred Pain
    • Ruptured Hamstring
    • Ruptured Quadricep
    • Sciatica
    • Stress Fracture of the Femur
    • Upper Leg Compartment Syndrome

    • Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture
    • Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear
    • Calcification of the Medial Collateral Ligament
    • Knee Ligament Injury
    • Lateral Collateral Ligament Tear
    • Medial Collateral Ligament Tear
    • Multiple Ligament Injury
    • Posterior Corner Knee Injury
    • Posterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture
    • Posterior Cruciate Ligament Tear

    • Anterior Knee Pain
    • Chondromalacia Patella
    • Dislocated Knee Cap
    • Fat Pad Impingement
    • Fractured Knee Cap
    • Patella Tracking Disorder
    • Patellar Tendinopathy
    • Patellar Tendon Rupture
    • Patello-femoral Osteoarthritis
    • Pre Patellar Bursitis

    • Biceps Femoris Tendinopathy
    • Gastrocnemius Tendinopathy
    • Hamstring Tedinopathy
    • Pes Anserinus Tendinopathy
    • Popliteus Tendinopathy
    • Quadriceps Tendinopathy
    • Chondral Defects
    • Fracture of the Femoral Condyles
    • Fracture of the Tibial Plateau
    • Iliotibial Band Syndrome
    • Knee Cartliage Injury
    • Meniscal Tear
    • Osgood Schlatter's Disease
    • Osteoarthritis of the Knee
    • Osteochondritis Dissecans
    • Pain at the Front of the Knee
    • Pes Anserinus Bursitis
    • Popliteus Strain
    • Referred Pain
    • Ruptured Hamstring Tendon
    • Sciatica
    • Sinding Larsen Johansson Syndrome
    • Superior Tibiofibular Joint Injury
    • Swimmer's Knee

    • Anterior Compartment Syndrome
    • Bone Bruising of the Tibia
    • Calf Strain
    • Deep Posterior Compartment Syndrome
    • Fractured Tibia & Fibula
    • Referred Pain
    • Sciatica
    • Shin Splints
    • Stress Fracture of the Fibula
    • Stress Fracture of the Tibia

    • Achilles Tendonitis
    • Ankle Instability
    • Ankle Ligament Injury
    • Anterior Impingement Syndrome
    • Avulsion Fracture of the Base of the Fifth Metatarsal
    • Complete Tear of the Achilles Tendon
    • Dislocation of the Peroneal Tendons
    • Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy
    • Footballer's Ankle
    • Fractured Ankle
    • Inferior Tibiofibular Joint Injury
    • Osteoarthritis of the Ankle
    • Osteochondral Fracture of the Talar Dome
    • Paratendinopathy of the Achilles Tendon
    • Partial Tear of the Achilles Tendon
    • Peroneal Tendinopathy
    • Posterior Impingement Syndrome
    • Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
    • Sciatica
    • Sever's Disease
    • Sinus Tarsi Syndrome
    • Sprained Ankle
    • Stress Fracture of the Medial Malleolus
    • Stress Fracture of the Talus
    • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
    • Tibialis Anterior Tendinopathy
    • Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy

    • Accessory Navicular Syndrome
    • Big Toe Sprain
    • Biomechanical Foot Pain
    • Bunions
    • Extensor Tendinopathy
    • Fat Pad Contusion
    • Fractures of the Fifth Metatarsal
    • Hallux Rigidus
    • Lisfranc Injury
    • Medial Plantar Neuropraxia
    • Metatarsalgia
    • Midtarsal Joint Sprain
    • Morton's Neuroma
    • Osteoarthritis of the Foot
    • Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
    • Os Trigonum Syndrome
    • Plantar Fasciitis
    • Sciatica
    • Sesamoid Injury
    • Sesamoiditis
    • Stress Fracture of the Calcaneus
    • Stress Fracture of the Metatarsal
    • Stress Fracture of the Navicular
    • Turf Toe

  • Abnormal Reflexes
  • Balance Problems
  • Biomechanical Problems
  • Coordination Problems
  • Cramps
  • Deformity
  • Falls
  • Fatigue
  • Gait problems
  • Headaches
  • Hypermobility
  • Immobility
  • Joint Clicking
  • Joint Instability
  • Joint Locking
  • Mobility Problems
  • Movement Disorders
  • Numbness
  • Pain
  • Reduced Range of Movement
  • Sensory Problems
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Spasm
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling / Inflammation
  • Tingling / Pins & Needles
  • Weakness

    • Bell's Palsy
    • Temporomandibular Joint Surgery

    • Cervical Fracture Fixation
    • Decompression
    • Discectomy
    • Fusion
    • Injection
    • Laminectomy

    • AC Joint / Clavicle Excision
    • AC Joint Stabilisation
    • Anterior Inferior Capsular Shift
    • Arthroscopy
    • Bankart Repair / Anterior Stabilisation
    • Biceps Tendon Repair
    • Capsular Shrinkage
    • Fractured Clavicle Fixation
    • Fractured Humerus Fixation
    • Frozen Shoulder Release - Arthroscopic Release of the Coraco-Humeral Ligament
    • Hemiarthroplasty
    • Long Thoracic Nerve Release
    • Mobilisation Under Anaesthetic MUA
    • Rotator Cuff Surgery (Repair & Debridement)
    • Shoulder Replacement
    • SLAP Repair
    • Steroid Injection of the Shoulder
    • Sub Acromial Decompression

    • Biceps Repair
    • Fractured Humerus Fixation
    • Triceps Repair

    • Arthroscopy
    • Arthrolysis
    • Debridement or Synovectomy
    • Elbow Injection
    • Elbow Replacement
    • Excision of the Radial Head
    • Fracture of the Radial Head
    • Lateral Epicondylitis Release (Tennis Elbow)
    • Medial Epicondylitis Release (Golfer's Elbow)
    • ORIF Elbow
    • Ulnar Nerve Decompression

    • ORIF
    • Nerve Decompression

    • Arthroscopy
    • Carpal Tunnel Release
    • Raduis / Ulnar Fracture ORIF
    • Surgery of Carpal Bones
    • TFCC Surgery

    • Duprytren's Contracture Release
    • Fixation of the Hand
    • Joint Replacement
    • Nerve Repair
    • Tendon Repair
    • Trigger Finger Release

    • Decompression
    • Discectomy
    • Fusion
    • Injection
    • Laminectomy
    • Thoracic Fracture Fixation

    • Decompression
    • Discectomy
    • Dynamic Stabilsation
    • Fusion
    • Injection
    • Laminectomy
    • Lumbar Fracture Fixation
    • Lumbar Stabilisation
    • Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy

    • Avulsion Fracture of Hamstring OriginAvulsion Fracture of Hamstring Origin
    • Excision of Ischiogluteal BursaExcision of Ischiogluteal Bursa
    • InjectionInjection

    • Cardiac Surgery
    • Mastectomy
    • Pectoral Repair
    • Thoracic Surgery

    • Abdominal Surgery
    • Caesarean Section
    • Hernia Repair
    • Rectus Abdominis Repair

    • Fractured Pelvis
    • Hysterectomy
    • Peroneal Tears
    • Prostratectomy

    • Arthroscopy
    • Fractured Neck of Femur
    • Fractured Shaft of Femur
    • Hip Replacement
    • Hip Revision
    • Labral Repair
    • ITB release surgery

    • Adductor Surgery
    • Gilmore's Groin Repair
    • Hernia

    • Femoral Derotation Osteotomy
    • Hamstring Repair
    • ITB Release Surgery
    • ORIF
    • Quadriceps Repair

    • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)
    • Arthroscopy
    • Knee Fusion
    • Knee Replacement
    • Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL)
    • Lateral Release
    • Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL)
    • Meniscus Repair
    • Meniscus Replacement / Transplant
    • Meniscectomy
    • Micro-Fracture of an Osteochondral Lesion
    • Multi Ligament Surgery
    • ORIF Patella
    • Osteotomy
    • Partial Knee Resurfacing
    • Patella Stabilisation
    • Patella Tendon Repair
    • Patellar Alignment Surgery
    • Patellectomy
    • Posterior Corner Reconstruction
    • Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL)
    • Tibial Plateau Fracture

    • Compartment Syndrome
    • External Fixation
    • ORIF Tibia / Fibula
    • Tibial Derotation Osteotomy

    • Achilles Lengthening Surgery
    • Achilles Repair
    • Ankle Arthroscopy
    • Ankle Fusion
    • Ankle Replacement
    • Ankle Stabilisation
    • Arthroscopic Debridement
    • Ligament Reconstruction - ATFL Repair
    • Mobilisation Under Anesthetic - MUA
    • ORIF Ankle
    • ORIF Talus
    • Peroneal Tendon Surgery 'Snapping Ankle'
    • Tendon Transfer

    • Bunion Surgery
    • Cheilectomy
    • Fusions
    • Hallux Valgus Repair
    • Heel Spur Removal
    • Joint Replacement
    • Morton's Neuroma
    • ORIF Calcaneus
    • ORIF Metatarsals
    • Os Trigonum Syndrome Surgery
    • Planta Fascia Release
    • Scarf Osteotomy
    • Talipes
    • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
    • Weil Osteotomy
    • Triple fusion

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • Apraxia
  • Arteriovenous Malformation
  • Ataxia
  • Brain Tumour
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Charcot Marie Tooth
  • Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
  • Conversion Disorder
  • Dementia
  • Dejerine-Sottas Syndrome
  • Developmental Delay
  • Dyspraxia
  • Dystonia
  • Encephalitis
  • Foot Drop
  • Guillain Barre Syndrome
  • Head Injury
  • Huntington's Disease
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Kennedy's Disease
  • Late Onset Tay-Sachs Disease
  • Motor Neurone Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Myasthenia Gravis
  • Myopathy
  • Myotonia Congenita
  • Myotonic Dystrophy
  • Neurofibromatosis
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Peripheral Nerve Injury
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Post Polio Syndrome
  • Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy
  • Stroke
  • Transverse Myelitis
  • Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)

  • Movement Disorders
    • Difficulty With Fine or Gross Motor Skills
    • Jerky Movement
    • Paralysis
    • Reduced Balance
    • Reduced Range of Movement
    • Slow or Rigid Movement
  • Muscular Problems
    • Dystonia
    • Hemiplegia
    • High & Low Tone
    • Paralysis
    • Soft Tissue Contractures
    • Spasms
    • Spasticity
    • Weakness
  • Sensory Problems
    • Abnormal Sensation
    • Reduced Proprioception
    • Reduced Coordination
  • Fatigue
    • Decreased Stamina & Fitness Levels
    • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Pain
    • Neuropathic Pain
    • Post Stroke Pain
  • Walking Problems
    • Abnormal Gait
    • Foot Drop
    • Increased Risk of Falling
  • Functional Problems
    • Breathing Difficulties
    • Difficulty Driving
    • Difficulty Transferring
    • Difficulty With Everyday Tasks
    • Hand and Arm Problems
    • Loss of Independence
  • Complex Problems
    • Cognition Problems
    • Communication Problems
    • Developmental Problems
    • Learning Difficulties
    • Mood
  • Neurosurgery

    • Cerebral Palsy
    • Club Foot / Talipes
    • Developmental Delay
    • Down's Syndrome
    • Encephalitis
    • Erb's Palsy
    • Flat Head Syndrome / Plagiocephaly
    • Hydrocephalus
    • Meningitis
    • Post Surgery
    • Premature Babies
    • Respiratory Conditions
    • Spina Bifida
    • Torticollis

    • Cerebral Palsy
    • Developmental Delay
    • Down's Syndrome
    • Dyspraxia
    • Encephalitis
    • Erb's Palsy
    • Fractures
    • Gait Problems
    • Head Injury
    • Hydrocephalus
    • Meningitis
    • Muscular Dystrophy
    • Post Surgery
    • Respiratory Conditions
    • Rett Syndrome
    • Spina Bifida

    • Anterior Iliac Spine Avulsion
    • Back Pain
    • Cancers
    • Cerebral Palsy
    • Developmental Delay
    • Downs Syndrome
    • Dyspraxia
    • Encephalitis
    • Flat Feet
    • Fractures
    • Freiberg's Disease
    • Gait Problems
    • Growing Pains
    • Head Injury
    • Heel Pain
    • Hydrocephalus
    • Hyper Mobility Syndrome
    • Ischial Apophysis Avulsion
    • Juvenile Arthritis
    • Knee Pain
    • Kohler's Disease
    • Meningitis
    • Muscular Dystrophy
    • Perthes' Disease
    • Physeal Lesions
    • Post Surgery
    • Prada Willi Syndrome
    • Respiratory Conditions
    • Scoliosis
    • Sever's Disease
    • Sinding Larsen Johansson Syndrome
    • Spina Bifida
    • Slipped Upper Femoral Epiphysis
  • Paediatric Surgery

  • Neurological Problems
    • Abnormal Muscle Tone
      • Hypotonia
      • Hypertonia
    • Weakness
    • Delayed Milestones
    • Dyskinesia
    • Dystonia
    • Proprioceptive Processing Problems
    • Reduced Head Control
    • Reduced Motor Skills
      • Fine Motor skills
      • Gross Motor Skills
    • Spasticity

  • Arthritis Pain
  • Chronic Back Pain
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • Nerve Pain / Neuralgia
  • Neuropathic Pain
  • Phantom Pain
  • Polymyalgia
  • Postherpetic Neuralgia
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Undiagnosed Chronic Pain

  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
  • Gout
  • Hyper Mobility Syndrome
  • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Polychondritis
  • Polymyalgia Rheumatica
  • Polymyositis
  • Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Reactive Arthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Septic Arthritis
  • Tenosynovitis

  • Asperger's Syndrome
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Autism
  • Chromosome Disorders
  • Down's Syndrome
  • Dyspraxia
  • Fragile X Syndrome
  • Metabolic Disorders
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorders

      • Asthma
      • Bronchiectasis
      • Chronic Bronchitis
      • COPD
      • Cystic Fibrosis
      • Emphysema
      • Hypoventilatory Syndrome

      • ARDS
      • Pleural Effusion
      • Pleurisy
      • Pneumonia
      • Pneumothorax
      • Pulmonary Embolism
  • Respiratory Failure
      • Anxiety
      • Fatigue
      • Hyperventilation
      • Hypoventilation
      • Ineffective Cough
      • Reduced Exercise Tolerance
      • Retaining Secretions
  • Respiratory Surgery

  • Angina
  • Cardiac Surgery
  • Heart Attack
  • Heart Failure
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease

  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • General Deterioration
  • Heart Disease
  • Lung Disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Post Hospital Syndrome
  • Reduced Mobility
  • Stroke

  • Adult
  • Paediatric

  • Anxiety
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Fear of Falling
  • Parkinson's Disease

  • Acoustic Neuroma
  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
  • Labyrinthitis
  • Vertigo
  • Vestibualr Migraine
  • Vestibular Neuritis

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